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Alaska Hand-Loomed Rug

$598.00 - $1,858.00


The neutral Alaska rug will introduce an element of soft, comfortable texture to living, lounge and bedroom environments. The handloomed wool-blend offers durability with added softness. Available in navy, white and ivory in three sizes. Variations in colour, design and size are to be expected and embraced in each rug due to the distinctive weaving process followed by each artisan, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind piece.

Dimensions: 108.0"W x 0.4"H x 144.0"D

The neutral Alaska rug will introduce an element of soft, comfortable texture to living, lounge and bedroom environments. The handloomed wool-blend offers durability with added softness. Available in navy, white and ivory in three sizes. Variations in colour, design and size are to be expected and embraced in each rug due to the distinctive weaving process followed by each artisan, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind piece.

Dimensions: 108.0"W x 0.4"H x 144.0"D

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